Object » Order

An order is an itemized list of products and/or services to bill a client for


appliedCoupons ([Coupon])

cityTaxCents (Int)

cityTaxRate (Decimal)

client (Client)

coownerBreakdown ([CoownerBreakdown!])

countyTaxCents (Int)

countyTaxRate (Decimal)

coupon (Coupon)

datetime (DateTime)

discount (Decimal)

discountType (DiscountType)

encounters ([Encounter])

estimate (Estimate)

flags ([OrderFlag])

historicalId (String)

id (ID)

insertedAt (NaiveDateTime)

invoiceReference (String)

invoiced (Boolean)

invoicedAt (DateTime)

invoicedAtDate (Date)

isAccountCredit (Boolean)

if this order is representing an account credit

isCredit (Boolean)

if this order is representing a credited order item

isNotRendered (Boolean)

if this order is representing a not rendered order item

itemDiscountWithOrderDiscountCents (Int)

itemDiscountWithoutOrderDiscountCents (Int)

items ([OrderItem])+

location (Location)

locationId (ID)

memberDiscountCents (Int)

note (String)

orderDiscountCents (Int)

otherTaxCents (Int)

otherTaxRate (Decimal)

patient (Patient)

patients ([Patient])

payLink (String)

paymentDue (Price)

DEPRECATED: Deprecated! Will be removed soon. Use 'total' - 'totalPaid' to calculate instead. 

paymentDueCents (Int)

payments ([Payment])

planDiscountCents (Int)

posted (Boolean)

provider (Provider)

stateTaxCents (Int)

stateTaxRate (Decimal)

status (InvoiceStatus)

statusChangeAt (DateTime)

subtotal (Decimal)

DEPRECATED: Please use `subtotalCents` 

subtotalCents (Int)

taxRate (Decimal)

DEPRECATED: This field is deprecated and will only ever return an order's `otherTaxRate`. Orders now have various tax rate fields you may want to read. Please update your queries to pull from `otherTaxRate`, `cityTaxRate`, `stateTaxRate`, and `countyTaxRate`.  

total (Price)

DEPRECATED: Please use `totalAfterTaxCents` 

totalAfterTaxCents (Int)

totalBeforeTaxCents (Int)

totalCouponDiscount (Decimal)

DEPRECATED: Please use `itemDiscountWithOrderDiscountCents` 

totalCreditedCents (Int)

totalDiscountCents (Int)

totalDiscounted (Decimal)

DEPRECATED: Please use `totalDiscountCents` 

totalMemberDiscount (Decimal)

DEPRECATED: Please use sum of `memberDiscountCents` and `planDiscountCents` 

totalNotRendered (Decimal)

DEPRECATED: Please use `totalNotRenderedCents` 

totalNotRenderedCents (Int)

totalPaid (Decimal)

totalTax (Decimal)

DEPRECATED: Please use `totalTaxCents` 

totalTaxCents (Int)

totalTaxRate (Decimal)

updatedAt (NaiveDateTime)

verbiage (String)