Add an address to a client
Add a cowner to a client
Adds a reviewer to a lab result
Applies a price change
Assign a problem in the patient's problem list to the encounter
Assigns a provider to a location
Assigns a provider to a task
Create an appointment
Creates a custom client field
Create a custom client field value
Creates a custom patient field
Create a custom patient field value
Inserts a new section for the given `encounter_id`'s sections at the `section_idx`th position
Inserts the given datum for the given encounter's `section_idx` at the `datum_idx`th position
Create an immunization
Add a location schedule
Creates a price change
Create a new problem
Create a preactitioner in your org if you are an admin
Add a contact to rDVM
Add a vist to rDVM
Deletes an address under the client's info
Deletes an API key and associated API user
Deletes a coowner
Updates a custom client field
Updates a custom patient field
Deletes the corresponding section for the given `encounter_id`'s sections at the `section_idx`th position
Deletes the `datum_idx`th datum for the given encounter's `section_idx`
Delete an existing image from the specified lab result.
Deletes a location's schedule
Deletes a price change
Dismiss voice calls for a location
Either zips & emails all billing statements at the given location to the list of provided emails, or if no emails are provided, emails each client their billing statement if they have one.
DEPRECATED: Superseded by `emailBillingStatements`.
DEPRECATED: You can use email_encounter_record
DEPRECATED: You can use encounter_summary
Links a lab result to a patient
Use authorization code to save the tokens
Create a new encounter for a patient at a location
Prescribe a medication
Previews a price change
DEPRECATED: Please *do not* use this mutation any longer. Refunding order items now no longer respects the `returned`, `credit`, or `not rendered` args, nor will it always mark the given order as `returned`/`credited`/`not_rendered`, as these states are no longer going to be used. Please update your code to use `returnOrderItem` instead.
remove authorization tokens from location
Removes a provider from a lab result
Replaces a given datum by (section_idx x datum_idx) with provided JSON. Note that no validity checking of the datum input is performed. If you wish to simply update a given datum, you can more safetly use `replace_encounter_section_datum` instead.
Sign an encounter with the current user
Assign a problem in the patient's problem list to the encounter
Removes a provider from a location
Removes a provider from a task
Updates an address under the client's info
Mutate a client if authorized
Updates a coowner
Update a custom client field value
Update a custom patient field value
create or delete a subscription to dial pad call events
Update a live encounter
Updates the section corresponding to the given `section_idx` for the given `encounter_id`
Updates a given datum by (section_idx x datum_idx) with provided changeset
Update a linked clinical note
Update a linked encounter
Updates a location
Update a medication
Update the viewer's org if the provider is an org admin
Mutate a phone number
Updates a price change
Update a product
Mutate a provider only if you are an org admin
Create a new image for the specified lab result.