Object » Rdvm


addressLine1 (String)

addressLine2 (String)

afterHoursTransferRdvmContact (RdvmContact)

callForwardedReferral (String)

city (String)

contacts ([RdvmContact])

country (String)

documents ([RdvmDocument])

email (String)

faxNumber (String)

hasCallForwarding (Boolean)

hasWebsiteReferral (Boolean)

hoursOfOperation (String)

id (ID!)

insertedAt (NaiveDateTime)

isActive (Boolean)

lastVisitDate (DateTime)

locations ([Location])

marketingNotes (String)

milesAway (Decimal)

name (String)

notes (String)

numberOfTrailingYearPatients (Int)

Returns the number of trailing year patients for an rDVM's primary location. If no primary location then no value is returned.

numberOfVets (Int)

numberOfVisitsLastNinetyDays (Int)

phoneNumber (String)

postalCode (String)

primaryLocation (Location)

primaryLocationTrailingYearPatients (Int)

Returns the number of trailing year patients for an rDVM's primary location. If no primary location then no value is returned.

state (String)

tags ([EntityTag])

transferContactMethod (String)

transferNeededSurgeries (Boolean)

transferOxygenDependent (Boolean)

transferPostOpSurgeries (Boolean)

transferUnstableCases (Boolean)

updatedAt (NaiveDateTime)

visits ([RdvmVisit])

website (String)

websiteReferral (String)