Object » Viewer


bridgeUserId (ID)

cdsLicense (String)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

cdsLicenseExpDate (Date)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

certifiedTechLicense (String)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

certifiedTechLicenseExpDate (Date)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

chatLastReadAt (DateTime)

commissions ([ProviderCommission])

dailySurgeryLimit (Int)

deaLicense (String)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

deaLicenseExpDate (Date)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

defaultLocationId (ID)

departments ([Location])

electronicSignature (ElectronicSignature)

email (String)

familyName (String)

freshchatRestoreId (String)

givenName (String)

hasPerm (Boolean)+

Does this viewer have a certain permission? Returns true if so, false if otherwise.

historicalId (String)

id (ID!)

insertedAt (NaiveDateTime)

isActive (Boolean)

isCallCenter (Boolean)

isGroomer (Boolean)

isOrgAdmin (Boolean)

isRelief (Boolean)

isSsoEnabled (Boolean)

isVeterinarian (Boolean)

lastLoginAt (NaiveDateTime)

licenseExpirationDate (Date)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

licenseNumber (String)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

licenseState (String)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

licenses ([License])

locations ([Location])

missingVetLicense (Boolean)

name (String)

openPunches ([ProviderPunch])

org (Org)

otherLicense (String)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

payrollId (String)

position (Int)

preferences (ProviderPreferences)

profileImageUrl (String)

providerRole (ProviderRole)

providerRoleId (ID)

punches ([ProviderPunch])+

scheduleTemplate ([String])

shortBio (String)

suffix (String)

title (String)

updatedAt (NaiveDateTime)

usdaLicense (String)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

usdaLicenseExpDate (Date)+

DEPRECATED: You can use the new collection licenses on provider. 

username (String)

verified (Boolean)

vetsourcePin (String)