Object » RootQueryType


accountCreditsVoidedWithoutPaymentVoided ([Payment!]!)+

Lists account credits voided without corresponding payment voided

accountsReceivableBalance (AccountsReceivableBalance)+

Returns a client's accounts receivable balance.

activeBoardRows ([BoardRow])+

activeSubscriptionForOrg (VetspireSubscription)

activeVoiceCalls ([VoiceCall])+

Search for active calls filtering by location phone number

addresses ([Address])+

alert (Alert)+

alerts ([Alert!]!)+

allergies ([Allergy])+

DEPRECATED: Only use 'allergies' when querying inside of 'patient'. Field will be removed soon. 

analytics ([AnalyticsData])+

apiKeys ([ApiKey])

Lookup API keys for your org

appointment (Appointment)+

appointmentReminders ([AppointmentReminder])+

appointmentTypeTag (AppointmentTypeTag)+

appointmentTypeTags ([AppointmentTypeTag!]!)+

appointmentTypes ([AppointmentType!]!)+

appointments ([Appointment])+

Get a list of appointments either by location id or provider id

appointmentsReport (JSON)+

Runs the appointments report and returns results inline. This report supports the following breakdowns: - LOCATION_ID - PROVIDER_ID - APPOINTMENT_TYPE_ID - IS_NEW_CLIENT - IS_NEW_OF_TYPE_CLIENT - IS_MEMBER - BOOKING_METHOD - BOOKING_PLACE - STATUS - APPOINTMENT_TYPE_REVENUE_CENTER_ID - CLIENT_ID - PATIENT_ID If results time out, please fetch smaller date ranges, otherwise please use the alternative `emailAppointmentsReport` query.

arReconciliationIssues ([ArReconciliation!]!)

Lists logged client AR reconciliation issues

asyncMedicalRecord (AsyncMedicalRecord)+

autoMessage (AutoMessage!)+

autoMessages ([AutoMessage!]!)+

availableCages ([BoardingCage!]!)+

availableTimes ([AvailableTimeSlot])+

bills ([Bill])+

boardCell (BoardCell)+

boardGroups ([BoardGroup])+

boardRow (BoardRow)+

boardingCages ([BoardingCage!]!)+

boardingWards ([BoardingWard!]!)+

bookedDays ([Date!])+

cadence (Cadence)+

cadences ([Cadence])+

cages ([Cage])+

callLog (CallLog)+

callLogs ([CallLog])+

Get a list of call logs

callLogsCount (Int)+

callLogsReport (JSON)+

Runs the callLogs report and returns results inline. This report supports the following breakdowns: - LOCATION_ID - CAME_IN - CONSULTED_BY_DOCTOR_ID If results time out, please fetch smaller date ranges, otherwise please use the alternative `emailCalllogsReport` query.

callsReport (JSON)+

Runs the calls report and returns results inline. This report supports the following breakdowns: - LOCATION_ID If results time out, please fetch smaller date ranges, otherwise please use the alternative `emailCallsReport` query.

ccTerminals ([String])+

checkDuplicatePhoneNumber (Boolean)+

client (Client)+

Lookup a specific client by id

clientConsent (ClientConsent)+

clientReferralSource (ClientReferralSource)+

clientReferralSources ([ClientReferralSource!]!)+

clientTag (ClientTag)+

clientTags ([ClientTag])

clients ([Client])+

Get a list of clients within your organization's database. Depending on how many providers your organization has, you may need to page through your data with filters.

clientsCount (Int)+

complication (Complication)+

complications ([Complication!]!)+

consentForm (ConsentForm)+

consentForms ([ConsentForm])+

contacts ([RdvmContact!]!)+

Lookup an rdvms contacts

conversation (Conversation)+

conversations ([Conversation])+

conversationsPaginated (ConversationPage!)+

coowners ([Coowner])+

count ([AnalyticsDataRow])+

countAppointmentProviders ([ApptCountProviders])+

Count the number of appointments in a range from start to end segmented into days, weeks, months, years.

countAppointments ([DateCount])+

Count the number of appointments in a range from start to end segmented into days, weeks, months, years.

countNewClients ([DateCount])+

Count new clients based on filters between a range and segment

countViewerAppointments ([DateCount])+

Count the number of appointments by a certain provider id

coupon (Coupon)+

coupons ([Coupon])+

creditMemos ([CreditMemo])+

creditMemosTotals (CreditMemoTotals)+

creditMigrationsVoided ([Payment!]!)+

Lists credit migrations voided

customClientFields ([CustomClientField])+

Get all custom client fields at the viewer's org

customPatientFieldValues ([CustomPatientFieldValue])+

customPatientFields ([CustomPatientField])+

Get all custom patient fields at the viewer's org

departments ([Department])+

diagnostic (Diagnostic)+

diagnostics ([Diagnostic])+

dialpadOffices ([DialpadOffice])

emailAppointmentsReport (Boolean)+

Runs the appointments report and emails the results as an excel file to the given email address. This report supports the following breakdowns: - LOCATION_ID - PROVIDER_ID - APPOINTMENT_TYPE_ID - IS_NEW_CLIENT - IS_NEW_OF_TYPE_CLIENT - IS_MEMBER - BOOKING_METHOD - BOOKING_PLACE - STATUS - APPOINTMENT_TYPE_REVENUE_CENTER_ID - CLIENT_ID - PATIENT_ID If results are requested inline, please use the provided `appointmentsReport` query.

emailAttachmentIntegration (EmailAttachmentIntegration)+

emailAttachmentIntegrations ([EmailAttachmentIntegration!]!)+

emailCallLogsReport (Boolean)+

Runs the callLogs report and emails the results as an excel file to the given email address. This report supports the following breakdowns: - LOCATION_ID - CAME_IN - CONSULTED_BY_DOCTOR_ID If results are requested inline, please use the provided `callLogsReport` query.

emailCallsReport (Boolean)+

Runs the calls report and emails the results as an excel file to the given email address. This report supports the following breakdowns: - LOCATION_ID If results are requested inline, please use the provided `callsReport` query.

emailProtocolRemindersReport (Boolean)+

Runs the protocolReminders report and emails the results as an excel file to the given email address. This report supports the following breakdowns: - LOCATION_ID - UNSENDABLE_REASON - SENT - CADENCE - CONTACT_METHOD - CONVERSIONS - CLIENT_ID - CLIENT_NAME - PATIENT_ID - PATIENT_NAME - CONTAINS_LEGACY_REMINDERS - RECIPIENT_ADDRESS - PROTOCOL_ID If results are requested inline, please use the provided `protocolRemindersReport` query.

emailSalesReport (Boolean)+

Runs the sales report and emails the results as an excel file to the given email address. This report supports the following breakdowns: - LOCATION_ID - PROVIDER_ID - REVENUE_CENTER_ID - PRODUCT_TYPE_ID - PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID - PRODUCT_ID - DEPARTMENT_ID - CLIENT_ID - PAYROLL_ID - RDVM_ID If results are requested inline, please use the provided `salesReport` query.

encounter (Encounter)+

encounterProducts ([EncounterProduct])+

encounterSummary (String)+

encounterType (EncounterType)+

encounterTypes ([EncounterType])+

encounters ([Encounter])+

Search for encounters by patient id, org id, and status

encountersUpdatedSince ([Encounter])+

Poll for a list of encounters updated since a specific datetime

entityValidations ([EntityValidation!]!)+

estimate (Estimate)+

estimateItems ([EstimateItem])+

estimatePdf (String)+

estimates ([Estimate])+

estimatesTotals (EstimatesTotals)+

events ([Event!])+

externalCommPreferences (ClientExternalCommPreferencesValue)+

externalSearch ([ExternalSearchResult])+

featureFlag (FeatureFlag)+

featureFlags ([FeatureFlag])+

fileFolders ([String!]!)

files (FileResults!)+

fulfillmentSource (FulfillmentSource)+

fulfillmentSources ([FulfillmentSource!]!)+

getInhouseDevices ([LabDevice])+

getLatestLocationKpis ([LocationKpi])+

getRdvmRecentPatients ([RdvmRecentPatients!]!)+

hasBalanceDue (Boolean)+

if the client has an open, due balance

hospitalizations ([Hospitalization])+

immunization (Immunization)+

immunizationPdf (String)+

Get immunizations PDF

immunizations ([Immunization])+

Get immunizations

immunizationsDue ([Immunization])+

inCollections (Boolean)+

inventoryAdjustment (InventoryAdjustment)+

inventoryAdjustments ([InventoryAdjustment])+

invoicePdf (String)+

isDaycareOpen (Boolean)+

labOrder (LabOrder)+

labOrders ([LabOrder])+

labResult (LabResult)+

labResults ([LabResult])+

labTests ([LabTest!]!)+

lapsingPatients ([Patient])+

latestDatasyncLogs ([DatasyncLog])+

latestDeletionLogs ([DeletionLog])+

ledgerEntries ([LedgerEntry])+

ledgerEntryTotals (LedgerEntryTotals)+

location (Location)+

Lookup a location by id (defaults to latest added)

locationAppointmentTypes ([AppointmentType])+

Get a list of appointments types which are either enabled globally, or enabled for the given location

locationChatMessages ([LocationChatMessage])+

locationSchedules ([LocationSchedule])+

locationTag (LocationTag)+

locationTags ([LocationTag!]!)+

locations ([Location!])+

locationsDepartments ([Department])+

macro (Macro)+

macros ([Macro]!)+

macrosCount (Int)+

mandatoryConsentForms ([String])+

masterProducts ([MasterProduct])

medicalRecordsSummary (String)+

medication (Medication)+

medications ([Medication])+

Lookup a patient's medication by status

modalities ([Modality])+

monograph (Monograph)+

monographs ([Monograph!])

newsletter (Newsletter)+

newsletters ([Newsletter!]!)+

notifications ([Notification])+

openConversationsCount (Int)+

order (Order)+

Gets an order by id

orderFlag (OrderFlag)+

orderFlags ([OrderFlag!]!)+

orderItems ([OrderItem])+

orderItemsTotals (OrderItemsTotals)+

orderPaymentMismatches ([OrderPaymentMismatch!]!)+

Lists order payment mismatches for client

orders ([Order])+

Lists all orders based on the query

ordersTotals (OrdersTotals)+

Returns a count of all orders based on a query, excludes datasync imported orders.

org (Org)

Lookup an org (defaults to viewer's)

orgLab (OrgLab)+

orgLabOrders ([LabOrder!]!)+

orgLabResults ([LabResult!]!)+

orgLabs ([OrgLab!]!)+

orphanedLabs ([LabResult])+

overdueTasksCount (Int)

packs ([Pack])+

patient (Patient)+

patientCompliances ([PatientCompliance])+

patientCompliancesCount (Int)+

patientComplication (PatientComplication)+

patientConsentForms ([ClientConsent])+

patientDocument (PatientDocument)+

patientLabel (String)+

patientPlan (PatientPlan)+

patientPlans ([PatientPlan])+

Retrieve a list of prevention plans at your org

patientPlansCount (Int)+

Count prevention plans at your org

patientProtocols ([PatientProtocol])+

patientQrCode (String)+

patientTag (PatientTag)+

patientTags ([PatientTag!]!)+

patients ([Patient!]!)+

Retrieve a list of all patients at your org

payment (Payment)+

payments ([Payment])+

paymentsTotals (PaymentsTotals)+

paymentsVoidedWithoutAccountCreditVoided ([Payment!]!)+

Lists payments voided without corresponding account credit voided

phoneNumbers ([PhoneNumber])+

plumbsHandouts ([PlumbsHandout])+

preventionPlan (PreventionPlan)+

preventionPlans ([PreventionPlan!]!)+

previewCadence (Cadence)+

priceChange (PriceChange)+

Gets a price change by id

priceChanges ([PriceChange])

Lists price changes

problems ([Problem])+

processorPayments ([ProcessorPayment])+

product (Product)+

productCategories ([ProductCategory!]!)+

productCategory (ProductCategory)+

productHistory ([InventoryLog])+

productManufacturer (ProductManufacturer)+

productManufacturers ([ProductManufacturer]!)+

productManufacturersPaginated (ProductManufacturerPage!)+

productPackage (ProductPackage)+

productPackages ([ProductPackage])+

productType (ProductType)+

productTypes ([ProductType!]!)+

products ([Product])+

productsCount (Int)+

productsInStockCount (Decimal)+

protocol (Protocol)+

protocolReminders ([ProtocolReminder])+

protocolRemindersCount (Int)

protocolRemindersReport (JSON)+

Runs the protocolReminders report and returns results inline. This report supports the following breakdowns: - LOCATION_ID - UNSENDABLE_REASON - SENT - CADENCE - CONTACT_METHOD - CONVERSIONS - CLIENT_ID - CLIENT_NAME - PATIENT_ID - PATIENT_NAME - CONTAINS_LEGACY_REMINDERS - RECIPIENT_ADDRESS - PROTOCOL_ID If results time out, please fetch smaller date ranges, otherwise please use the alternative `emailProtocolremindersReport` query.

protocols ([Protocol!]!)+

provider (Provider)+

Lookup a specific provider by id. All users in Vetspire are listed as a provider and have an id.

providerAuthToken (String)+

providerDepartments ([Department])+

providerRole (ProviderRole)+

providerRoles ([ProviderRole!]!)+

providers ([Provider])+

purchaseOrder (PurchaseOrder)+

purchaseOrders ([PurchaseOrder])+

rabiesCertificate (String)+

rabiesCertificates ([String])+

rdvm (Rdvm)+

rdvmContact (RdvmContact)+

rdvmDocument (RdvmDocument)+

rdvms ([Rdvm!]!)+

rdvmsCount (Int)+

recentVoiceCalls ([VoiceCall])+

Search for recent calls filtering by location phone number

recentVoiceCallsCount (Int)+

reconciliationNotes ([ReconciliationNote!]!)+

refundedOrderItems ([OrderItem])+

regeneratePatientProtocols ([PatientProtocol])+

reminders ([Reminder])+

reservation (Reservation)+

reservationKennelPdf (String!)+

reservations ([Reservation!])+

returnedOrderItems ([ReturnedOrderItem])+

revenueCenter (RevenueCenter)+

revenueCenterBudgets ([RevenueCenterBudget])+

revenueCenters ([RevenueCenter!]!)+

salesReport (JSON)+

Runs the sales report and returns results inline. This report supports the following breakdowns: - LOCATION_ID - PROVIDER_ID - REVENUE_CENTER_ID - PRODUCT_TYPE_ID - PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID - PRODUCT_ID - DEPARTMENT_ID - CLIENT_ID - PAYROLL_ID - RDVM_ID If results time out, please fetch smaller date ranges, otherwise please use the alternative `emailSalesReport` query.

scheduleTemplate (ScheduleTemplate)+

scheduleTemplates ([ScheduleTemplate!])+

searchAccounts ([ClientResult])+

Full-text search for clients or patients at a org

searchCoupons ([Coupon])+

searchDiagnoses ([Diagnosis])+

Search diagnoses by term

searchEmailAttachments ([EmailAttachment])+

searchInventoryBuckets ([InventoryBucket])+

searchLocationTags ([String])+

searchMacros ([Macro])+

searchPackages ([ProductPackage])+

searchPrintnodeComputers ([PrintnodeComputersField])

Search for the computers associated with PrintNode account

searchPrintnodePrinters ([PrintnodePrintersField!])+

Search for the printers associated with PrintNode account

searchProductCategories ([ProductCategory])+

searchProductTypes ([ProductType])+

searchProductables ([Orderable])+

searchProducts ([Product])+

searchRdvms ([Rdvm!]!)+

searchTagGroups ([EntityTagGroup!])+

searchVendors ([Vendor])+

selfCheckInLink (String)+

sentAutoMessages ([SentAutoMessage!]!)+

sentReminders ([SentReminder])+

storedLabTests ([LabTest])+

stripeConnectionToken (String)+

stripeGetClientSecret (StripeClientSecret!)

stripeGetCustomer (StripeCustomer)

stripePaymentIntent (StripePaymentIntent)+

stripePublishableKey (String)+

stripeReader (StripeReader)+

stripeReaders ([StripeReader])+

task (Task)+

taskCategories ([TaskCategory])

tasks ([Task])+

Query for a list of tasks

tasksCount (Int)+

totalClients (Int)

totalPatients (Int)

treatment (Treatment)+

treatmentSheet (TreatmentSheet)+

treatmentSheetTemplate (TreatmentSheetTemplate)+

treatmentSheetTemplates ([TreatmentSheetTemplate])+

treatmentSheets ([TreatmentSheet!]!)+

treatmentSummary (String)+

treatments ([Treatment])+

trigger (Trigger)+

triggers ([Trigger])

unreadConversations ([Conversation])+

unreadConversationsCount (Int)

unreadNotificationsCount (Int)

usageReport (UsageReport)+

vendor (Vendor)+

vendors ([Vendor])

videoRoomToken (String)+

viewer (Viewer)

Lookup the viewer

viewerSubscription (Viewer)

Lookup the viewer

visits ([RdvmVisit!]!)+

visitsCount (Int)+

Counts total visits for this rDVM

vitals ([Vitals])+

Historical vitals

vitalsTemplate ([VitalDatum])+

Format for vitals

voidablePaymentMethods ([PaymentMethod])