Object » Patient

A patient listed in Vetspire. This entity represents a pet


age (String)

alerts ([String!])

allergies ([Allergy])

birthDate (Date)

birthDay (Int)

birthMonth (Int)

birthYear (Int)

boardComments ([BoardCell])

breed (String)

client (Client)

clientId (ID)

clinicalNotes ([ClinicalNote])

color (String)

customFields ([CustomPatientFieldValue])

deceasedDate (Date)

documents ([PatientDocument])

encounters ([Encounter])

firstHeatDate (Date)

goalWeight (Decimal)

historicalId (String)

id (ID!)

identification (String)

immunizations ([Immunization!])+

insertedAt (NaiveDateTime)

isActive (Boolean)

isDeceased (Boolean)

isDnr (Boolean)

isEstimatedAge (Boolean)

isEstimatedWeight (Boolean)

isMerged (Boolean)

isMixed (Boolean)

labOrders ([LabOrder])

labResults ([LabResult])

lastSyncedAt (NaiveDateTime)

lastVisit (Appointment)

latestRabies (Immunization)

latestWeight (Weight)

medications ([Medication])

mergeIdentification (String)

microchip (String)

microchipRegistered (Boolean)

name (String)

The patient's name

neuterDate (Date)

neutered (Boolean)

nextVisit (Appointment)

notes (String)

percentageOwnership (Decimal)

preferredWeightUnit (String)

problems ([Problem])+

profileImageUrl (String)

protocols ([PatientProtocol!])+

reminderSilences ([ReminderSilence])

sex (Sex)

The basic sex of the patient, without consideration of neutered status or age. When a more medically accurate description of the patient's sex is needed, we recommend using the `sexTerm` field instead.

sexTerm (String)

Species-specific descriptive term, which takes into account the patient's sex, neutered status, and for certain species, age. For example, the sexTerm for an intact adult male horse's will be `Stallion`. An altered female dog will be `Female (Spayed)`. Currently only equines have age-specific sex terms, but we plan to add specific sex terms for other species in the future. If the patient's sex or neutered status is missing, it will be listed as `Unknown`, i.e. `Female (Unknown neutered status)`, `Unknown Sex (Intact)`, or `Unknown Sex (Unknown neutered status)`.

species (String)

subscriptions ([String])

tags ([PatientTag])

tasks ([Task])

treatmentSheets ([TreatmentSheet])

updatedAt (NaiveDateTime)

verifiedAt (DateTime)